Designed for children aged 2-4 who have not started school yet. By working through this stage, you are giving your child the best start to reading and nurturing a positive association with books for years to come.
Designed for children who are learning to read in the classroom. Regular, out-loud reading practice at home and time spent working through our phonics activities will accelerate your child’s literacy progress.
Designed for children who are independent readers and now require higher level English skills. All the materials have been specially chosen by educational professionals to cover the key areas of your child's English curriculum.
For a fraction of the cost of a private tutor, each delivery brings your child reading fun and focus.

Worksheets and activities to reinforce the focus sounds or theme of the delivery.

Custom-made flashcards for the key sounds covered in each delivery.

Carefully matched books to give your child plenty of opportunity to practise the focus sounds or learning theme.

Your first delivery comes with a organic cotton tote – perfect for storing all your reading goodies.

From a reluctant mark maker to a child who is taken out of class as an accelerated learner (he's now above expected!).
Jocelyn Lamb, Verified Customer